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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #30 Dato: Okt 25, 2014, 10:35 »
That is strange... I just double-checked, it really does install all 5 svg files here.

Do you have the new svg files in your home directory where you unzipped it?

Did you unzip on top of the old files? That could maybe possible be the problem. The 'configure' step creates the makefiles that handles the installation step, if they are already there but too old I think they should be rebuild, but if not then you have the old makefiles which doesn't install the new svg files.

I did some googling, apparently IE still handles especially resizable svg images quite differently than the rest, but it could possibly be worked around. Android 2.x does not support svg at all as it seems, so sadly nothing to do there.
Bio Comfort 30kW, compressor cleaning, lambda. Termax 25cr boiler. Matene vertical pellet conveyor. PellMon open source pellet logger:

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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #31 Dato: Okt 25, 2014, 10:50 »
Hej Motoz

Did you unzip on top of the old files? -- Ja jeg foretog ingen ændringer.

Men det er også ligemeget. Det fungerer alligevel.
Så jeg stopper for denne gang.

Tak for et program, der kører og viser, hvad der foregår med mit pillefyr.

Scotte 16 kw. Black Star S 10-16 kw. Semirens.
VVB med 3 vejs ventil. Kompressorrens. Version 6.79.
Opstart 04.01.2013.
Opvarmer 174 kvm med støtte fra brændeovn. Før brændeovnens entre et forbrug på ca. 4400 l olie pr år.
Minicomputeren Raspberry PI med Pellmon software.

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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #32 Dato: Okt 25, 2014, 12:02 »
Suddenly a lightbulb went off in my head.

The 'how to upgrade' instructions don't say how to download the new version so you most probably do that the same way as in the detailed install instructions.

Then you also most probably already have the old file in place when you run the 'wget' command to retrieve a new version. The thing is that wget will kindly NOT overwrite any file that you happen to already have, so it will instead download the new version  to, or if that also exists and so on.

So by following the instructions you then unzip the old version again, instead of the new one.  I'll fix the upgrade instructions to be clearer.
Bio Comfort 30kW, compressor cleaning, lambda. Termax 25cr boiler. Matene vertical pellet conveyor. PellMon open source pellet logger:

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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #33 Dato: Okt 25, 2014, 12:14 »
Ja jeg lavede den fejl nogle gange før jeg opdagede det ;)

Har du haft tid til at kigge på timer funktionen, altså at kunne indstille klokkeslet.

Ellers stor tak for et godt stykke software, der bare kører.

BlackStar 1016, 16 kW, V6.76, 160+54 m2,  kompressorrens, 300L VVB med solfanger, Pellmon på Raspberry pi

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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #34 Dato: Okt 25, 2014, 13:02 »
No, not yet.. maybe when it starts snowing I'll find more time for indoor activities. I'll close the issue when it's fixed, and you can also follow the commit list to see whats happening (even if the comments are a bit short). Nice to hear you find it useful!
Bio Comfort 30kW, compressor cleaning, lambda. Termax 25cr boiler. Matene vertical pellet conveyor. PellMon open source pellet logger:

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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #35 Dato: Okt 26, 2014, 18:14 »
I believe I found a workaround for the internet explorer bug which caused the system image to be too small to see (and the logo didn't display either). Should be fixed in latest master.
Bio Comfort 30kW, compressor cleaning, lambda. Termax 25cr boiler. Matene vertical pellet conveyor. PellMon open source pellet logger:

Offline albert

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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #36 Dato: Okt 27, 2014, 09:03 »
Hej Motoz

Det virker med mit IE.

Scotte 16 kw. Black Star S 10-16 kw. Semirens.
VVB med 3 vejs ventil. Kompressorrens. Version 6.79.
Opstart 04.01.2013.
Opvarmer 174 kvm med støtte fra brændeovn. Før brændeovnens entre et forbrug på ca. 4400 l olie pr år.
Minicomputeren Raspberry PI med Pellmon software.

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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #37 Dato: Okt 27, 2014, 09:17 »
Great! Hope it didn't break anything else then (and hopefully microsoft get their act together someday so these kind of IE specific workaounds could finally be a thing of the past)

Bio Comfort 30kW, compressor cleaning, lambda. Termax 25cr boiler. Matene vertical pellet conveyor. PellMon open source pellet logger:

Offline albert

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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #38 Dato: Okt 27, 2014, 09:34 »
Hej Motoz

Jeg er glad for at kunne bruge dit setup som erstatning for Stokerkontrol.
Jeg bliver jo hele tiden klogere på, hvordan det virker.
Mit næste ønske er, at adressen på min router ikke fremgår, når andre skal ser mit Pellmon på Stokerforum.
Jeg har fundet frem til, at frameset kan være løsningen og også forsøgt med en html-fil

<frameset rows="100%">
  <frame src="">

Så vises adressen på html-filen fra vores domæne.
MEN Pellmon vil ikke ændre på visningen af grafen. F.eks. ikke skifte fra 1 time til 3 timer.

Det er på ingen måde noget, der haster!

« Senest Redigeret: Okt 27, 2014, 09:36 af albert »
Scotte 16 kw. Black Star S 10-16 kw. Semirens.
VVB med 3 vejs ventil. Kompressorrens. Version 6.79.
Opstart 04.01.2013.
Opvarmer 174 kvm med støtte fra brændeovn. Før brændeovnens entre et forbrug på ca. 4400 l olie pr år.
Minicomputeren Raspberry PI med Pellmon software.

Offline motoz

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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #39 Dato: Okt 27, 2014, 10:53 »
The pellmon_frame.html works fine here (including shifting 1 to 3 hours), but the ip is not hidden (it's not in plain view in the url bar any more, but every link still goes directly to your ip:8081). You can't both give access to your pellmon server and also hide it. If you can view a website then you also have it's public address.

If you have access to a server somewhere else and can set it up as a reverse proxy to your pellmon server, then that other server will be the visible part. I have that setup myself, with apache2 as the the public server, proxying access to pellmon on my raspberry on an internal ip. There is a piece on how to set up the reverse proxy on the wiki. But you won't get that kind of access from a typical web hotel.

PellMon doesn't really fit the use case of 'giving everyone access to my data' without also exposing your own network to the internet in some way. As for the security of exposing your ip, that is really up to you. I have honestly made pellmon as secure as I am possibly able to, but I am not willing to give any guarantees. "If it breaks you get to keep both pieces" and so on...  There ARE some risks involved when having a possible way for an intruder to change your burner settings, but those risks are still there when using stokercloud in my opinion. Not that I consider stokercloud insecure, but when the connection is made there is an open channel and the rest is up to the security over at stokercloud. I guess the main  difference is that stokercloud is a business and likely takes security very very seriously but you have to trust them completely,  pellmon is made by 'some guy on the internet' but is completely open so you can check everything yourself.

There are some missing parts in pellmon security, mainly that you can't easily use an encrypted transport (https), meaning that your login password is transmitted in plain text. This does not affect security at all if you only ever log on locally, and you can also fix it by reverse proxying through apache and adding encryption there (looks like stokercloud allows but does not enforce https on login so you mostly have the same situation there). Someday I will add support for https transport to pellmon directly, the server module (cherrypy) supports it so it mainly requires gathering all the pieces and working out how to deal with the certificate handling mess.
Bio Comfort 30kW, compressor cleaning, lambda. Termax 25cr boiler. Matene vertical pellet conveyor. PellMon open source pellet logger:

Offline albert

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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #40 Dato: Okt 27, 2014, 11:36 »
Hej Motoz

Jeg kan godt se, at det virker her også - i Crome.
Så det bliver løsningen indtil videre.

Scotte 16 kw. Black Star S 10-16 kw. Semirens.
VVB med 3 vejs ventil. Kompressorrens. Version 6.79.
Opstart 04.01.2013.
Opvarmer 174 kvm med støtte fra brændeovn. Før brændeovnens entre et forbrug på ca. 4400 l olie pr år.
Minicomputeren Raspberry PI med Pellmon software.

Offline motoz

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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #41 Dato: Nov 03, 2014, 12:58 »
Hello Kivi, I closed issue 49 All timers and current time are now in the format hh;mm instead of minutes since midnight.
Bio Comfort 30kW, compressor cleaning, lambda. Termax 25cr boiler. Matene vertical pellet conveyor. PellMon open source pellet logger:

Offline kivi

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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #42 Dato: Nov 03, 2014, 14:46 »
Hej Motoz

Det er bare SUPER  :)

Det virker perfekt, tak for det.

BlackStar 1016, 16 kW, V6.76, 160+54 m2,  kompressorrens, 300L VVB med solfanger, Pellmon på Raspberry pi


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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #43 Dato: Nov 03, 2014, 18:16 »
Hej Ole. Kunne jeg lokke dig til åbne, så vi andre kan se hvad du får af data fra PellMon. Et link til din httt udefra. Eller hvis du uploader det på en hjemmeside. Vh. Klaus
Vh. Klaus Nordgren
Fyr BS1016 semirens- m. komp. rens &  pumpestyring. Styring ver. 10.0967. Ladeventil VTC300 - 55°C. Retur temp. måles før ladeventil. Skorsten Garmeta 125 mm. Opvarmer 220 m2
Hus fra 1979 m . efterisolering.
Forbrug 4,8 T. Inst. okt. 2013

Offline kivi

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Sv: PellMon på Raspberry
« Svar #44 Dato: Nov 03, 2014, 19:17 »
Ja det vil jeg prøve, skal lige finde ud af min router, mon ikke det er noget med portforwarding der skal til.

BlackStar 1016, 16 kW, V6.76, 160+54 m2,  kompressorrens, 300L VVB med solfanger, Pellmon på Raspberry pi