
Tips og Tricks => Ønsker til stoker kontrol => Emne startet af: koldkur efter Apr 22, 2018, 22:58

Titel: Ekstern temperatur viser 0,0 gr stokercloud
Indlæg af: koldkur efter Apr 22, 2018, 22:58
Ekstern temperatur viser 0,0 gr på stokercloud, men på styringen viser den korrekt temperatur
Titel: Sv: Ekstern temperatur viser 0,0 gr stokercloud
Indlæg af: Emmagwan999 efter Jan 01, 2023, 13:03 (
You can make full use of the features of hypertext links, network interaction, and dynamic updates. Select and link the most valuable information, knowledge and resources on the global Internet in your "Non-stop Online Navigation"; you can also record and publish your personal work process, life story, thought history, flashing inspiration, etc. in a timely manner, Give full play to your personal unlimited expressive power; you can also meet friends with Wen, meet and gather friends for in-depth communication and communication.