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Sv: Home Assistant Smart home integration
« Svar #15 Dato: Okt 31, 2024, 11:53 »

Has anyone gotten this integration to work with controls (other than climate)?

I used nbetest ( to get the folders and names for entities and test that I could set parameters (python -s xxxxxxx -p yyyyyyyy set settings/boiler/temp 78) - works perfect.

I have the docker container working and it works with Home Assistant and when using "sensors" and "climate" everything works fine (added "settings/hopper" in line 87 in to be able to read that folder).

I want to be able to change the weekly scedule (i.e. monday in "settings/boiler/monday" and also the other days ) and hopper content ("settings/hopper/content"), but I don´t know python and chatgpt is not really helping.

The entities I want to use, are numbers as far as I can see.

In sensor, switch and climate classes are defined and in those classes are used. And nbe_schema defines the MQTT entities home assistant sees.

As far as I can understand, I need to add a "number" or "input_number" to and in

anyone got controls this working? (right now I can set the hopper content using "climate" class, but thats really not the right way)
