Forfatter Emne: Interface til OpenHAB  (Læst 116438 gange)

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Sv: Interface til OpenHAB
« Svar #30 Dato: Maj 24, 2020, 11:30 »
Maybe i was a little bit unclear because, i read the "interface to OpenHAB" as a direct connection and i think off OpenHAB as a "Online system"(if you want it, to be it) ;)

Yes lets hope that they adds the protocol to V16 as will, and maybe make a option fore us that don't want to share our data with stokercloud.

As Jens mentioned, it only got 80mhz so i would rather save the power fore OpenHab then stokercloud.
Scotte 10kW, Kompressor rens, VVB. IHC med varmestyring og OpenHAB interface, samt QNAP Nas server til privat cloud og hosting diverse af ting.

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Sv: Interface til OpenHAB
« Svar #31 Dato: Nov 06, 2022, 03:58 »
Hi, saw some posts from people who are searching for NBE integration in home automation systems. I have done NBE BlackStar+/RTB pellet burners integration using MQTT and home assistant auto discovery protocol for easier usage. It works with most of the free home automation systems like HomeAssistant, OpenHab, IoBroker, Domoticz or NodeRed. It's free and open source, you can use and/or modify it to suit your needs, please see:
